Monday, April 01, 2024

Want to Make $100,000 in Passive Income? Buy These 3 Dividend Stocks

In my opinion, there are three criteria investors should consider when evaluating a particular stock for their portfolio. The first is history. Learning where a company’s stock comes from, the nature of its IPO, and the events that led to its current position is priceless. Second is current products and market conditions. Does the company produce a necessity or a luxury? Does it do it competitively or focus on staying in its own lane? Finally, does it have a future in the industry it competes in and the market it serves? Considering these questions, these three stocks make a fine addition to any long-term income portfolio...

The historic performance of a company’s stock price and dividend yield provides investors with the best insight into consistent performance: Proctor & Gamble (PG): A chemical manufacturing giant, PG’s stock often serves as a defensive dividend in times of crisis thanks to product necessity. Walmart (WMT): Walmart’s adaptive pricing and dedication to low cost make it a go-to for dividend-seekers, whether the market rises or falls. Coca-Cola (KO): Product diversity and ubiquity have made Coca-Cola one of the steadiest-rising stocks in history, with that trend likely to continue.

Source: InvestorPlace

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