Dividends4Life: Consolidated Edison, Inc. (ED) Dividend Stock Analysis

Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Consolidated Edison, Inc. (ED). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis: Company Description: Consolidated Edison, Inc. is an electric and gas utility holding company serves parts of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

As a regulated electric and gas utility with a focus on power transmission and delivery, ED produces strong and stable earnings and cash flows. New York's need for significant infrastructure should provide growth opportunities for ED, thus supporting long-term earnings and dividend growth. The stock is currently trading above my calculated fair value price of $72.23. ED did not earn any Stars in the Fair Value section, earned one Star in the Dividend Analytical Data section and did not earn any Stars in the Dividend Income vs. MMA section for a total of one Star. This quantitatively ranks ED as a...

Source: Dividend Growth Stocks

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