Dividends4Life: 3 Top Dividend Stocks to Maximize Your Retirement Income

Going beyond those familiar names, you can find excellent dividend-paying stocks by following a few guidelines. Look for companies that pay a dividend yield of around 3%, with positive annual dividend growth. The growth rate is key to help combat the effects of inflation. Here are three dividend-paying stocks retirees should consider for their nest egg portfolio...

Bank of America (BAC) is currently shelling out a dividend of $0.24 per share, with a dividend yield of 3.33%. Brixmor Property (BRX) is paying out a dividend of $0.26 per share at the moment, with a dividend yield of 4.54%. Currently paying a dividend of $0.76 per share, Heartland BancCorp. (HLAN) has a dividend yield of 3.53%. Pursuing a dividend investing strategy can help protect your retirement portfolio. Whether you choose to invest in stocks or through low-fee mutual funds or ETFs, this approach can potentially help you achieve a more secure and enjoyable retirement.

Source: NASDAQ

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