Dividends4Life: 3 Dividend Stocks With 3%+ Yields to Buy on Sale Now

Many investors have not been through a bear market yet in their investing careers. Those that have are all too familiar with the pain and despair that can accompany these environments, although it’s been a while since they too have felt the actual effects. In any regard, experienced investors are likely pouring over quality businesses paying a respectable yield. Meanwhile, younger investors experiencing a bear market for the first time are likely looking for dividend stocks to buy as they seek some comfort and stability. Let’s look at three quality dividend stocks now...

Market volatility, inflation worries and a looming recession have investors looking to dividend stocks to buoy portfolios. Target (TGT) has fallen 40% from its highs and while operating in a high-inflation environment, it’s a superior retailer with a long dividend history. Realty Income (O) is one of the most consistent dividend-paying stocks in the market. Texas Instruments (TXN) has a low valuation, a solid yield and a steady business.

Source: Investor Place

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