Dividends4Life: This High-Yield Dividend Stock Is a Buy for 2022 and Beyond

When the market is volatile, as it has been for several months now, investors often look for dividend stocks. Dividend stocks are typically well established and have lots of cash, which means they can withstand difficult market conditions. They also provide income, which is a plus in any environment, but specifically they provide a cushion for investors when stock prices are challenging to evaluate.

If you're looking for a great dividend stock to bolster your portfolio in trying times, not to mention a valuable asset in any environment, consider Prudential Financial (PRU). Prudential offers a range of financial services, mostly geared toward retirement products. These include life insurance, annuities, and retirement planning accounts. It has three main segments: PGIM, its asset management group; U.S. business; and international business. It makes money from fees, net investment spread (how much money it makes from investments minus associated costs), and underwriting.

Source: Motley Fool

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