Dividends4Life: 4 of the Safest Dividend Stocks to Help You Crush Inflation

A number of factors like easy monetary policy, supply chain issues, and labor shortages drove the annualized inflation rate to 7% in December. Even though the Federal Reserve has promised interest rate hikes this year to curb inflation, the problem almost certainly won't be fixed overnight. The good news for investors is that there are plenty of quality dividend growth stocks that can help protect your purchasing power, regardless of how long it takes the Federal Reserve to get inflation under control. Here are four dividend stocks to consider with durable competitive advantages and plenty of room to grow...

The confectioner Hershey (NYSE:HSY) generates enough excess cash each quarter to offer investors a 1.8% dividend yield, which is moderately higher than the S&P 500's 1.4%. The cell tower real estate investment trust (REIT) American Tower (NYSE:AMT) pays a generous 2.3% dividend yield, supported by multiple factors. The railroad operator Union Pacific (NYSE:UNP) pays out a dividend with a 1.9% yield. The semiconductor manufacturer Broadcom (NASDAQ:AVGO) pays out a dividend each quarter with a 2.8% yield, higher than the previous three stocks.

Source: Motley Fool

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