Dividends4Life: Three Cybersecurity Funds to Purchase Using CIA Analysis

Investors interested in profiting from cybersecurity stocks that benefit from rising interest at the CIA and the Department of Defense to enhance America’s national defense have several exchange-traded funds (ETFs) available to choose, said Bob Carlson, who heads the Retirement Watch investment newsletter. Unfortunately, none of those ETFs has a long history, he added.

The oldest of those funds is iShares Cybersecurity and Tech (IHAK), said Carlson, who also serves as chairman of the Board of Trustees of Virginia’s Fairfax County Employees’ Retirement System. Simplify Volt Cloud & Cybersecurity Disruption (VCLO) stands out with its current dividend yield of 13.7%. It is possible that lofty dividend yield may not be sustainable, since the fund just launched on December 28, 2020. WisdomTree Cybersecurity (WCBR) is a third dividend-paying fund that investors might find tempting. The fund is designed to track the performance of companies primarily involved in providing cyber security-oriented products that meet the eligibility requirements of the WisdomTree Team8 Cybersecurity Index.

Source: DividendInvestor

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