Dividends4Life: 6% Tech Yield, 6% Discount, 10% Monthly Dividend Hike

If you're looking for an attractive dividend yield at a discount in the tech sector, maybe you should check out two popular sister tech funds. Management raised the monthly payouts again in October by ~10%. It's selling a much cheaper NAV discount vs. its historical averages. The article also covers another fund selling at a discount. Management also raised its monthly dividends twice in 2021. We compare their holdings, performance, discounts, and attributes.

BlackRock Science And Technology Trust (BST), and its younger sibling, BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ), which IPOd in 2019. A useful strategy when investing in CEFs is to buy them at discounts to NAV which are deeper than their historical discounts. Unlike some CEFs, which constantly trade at discounts to their daily NAV and below their inception to NAV, BST has a history of trading at a premium. Its inception NAV was $19.06, vs. its current pricing of above $50.00, indicating long-term value accretion for shareholders. As of 11/24/21 afternoon, both CEFs were trading at discounts to their previous day's NAV/share values.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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