Dividends4Life: 2 Dividend Stocks That Are Dirt Cheap Right Now

2 Dividend Stocks That Are Dirt Cheap Right Now

Posted by D4L | Monday, November 15, 2021 | | 0 comments »

Although you might be convinced that buying dividend-paying stocks is a proven, profitable strategy for generating superior long-term returns, the obvious next question is: Which dividend stocks do you buy? Simply chasing yield is a risky pursuit since a higher yield often carries higher risk, but whether you're a growth or value investor, there's an income stock that can fit into everyone's portfolio. The following pair of dividend stocks happen to not only be solid income stocks, but also benefit from being dirt cheap.

The largest mortgage real estate investment trust (REIT) by market cap, Annaly Capital Management (NYSE:NLY) is also the premier mREIT, investing in mortgages and mortgage-backed securities typically backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government through agencies including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae. They represent 99% of its mortgage portfolio, as of the end of June. Formed last November via the $12 billion merger of the branded medicines business of Pfizer's Upjohn unit and generic-drug maker Mylan, Viatris (NASDAQ:VTRS) is making a go of it by building on the best of both worlds. The market, though, is worried about its ability to make a profit while carrying significant amounts of debt.

Source: Motley Fool

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