Dividends4Life: 3 Stocks to Bankroll Your Retirement

3 Stocks to Bankroll Your Retirement

Posted by D4L | Thursday, May 06, 2021 | | 0 comments »

We're all going to need money in retirement, and one good way to build a fat portfolio for your future is to fill it with companies that are likely to have their stocks grow in value over time -- while they regularly kick out cash to you in the form of dividends. Here are three such companies to consider. There's a good chance you've only heard of one of them...

Perhaps the most obviously attractive thing about Enbridge (NYSE:ENB) is its dividend -- which recently yielded nearly 7.1%. Better still, it has upped that payout for 26 consecutive years. Recently yielding a hefty 4.9%, International Business Machines (NYSE:IBM) is an intriguing tech stock to consider for your portfolio. It has struggled over the past decade or so, not quite keeping up with a changing technological landscape. This is a company you may well be unfamiliar with. Sometimes likened to Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, Boston Omaha (NASDAQ:BOMN) is somewhat similar and a whole lot smaller, with a recent market value under $1 billion, compared to more than $625 billion for Berkshire.

Source: Motley Fool

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