Dividends4Life: Danger Lurks for These 3 High-Dividend Stocks

Danger Lurks for These 3 High-Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, November 03, 2020 | | 0 comments »

If and when these companies cut their dividends, their share prices could plunge further, leaving investors in their wake. Not surprisingly, all three of these companies are energy stocks, a sector whose shares have fallen an average of more than 42% this year, due to an overabundance of oil and gas reserves and lowered demand because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Yes, there is too much of a good thing when that good thing is a dividend that's unsustainable. ExxonMobil (NYSE:XOM), Archrock (NYSE:AROC), and ONEOK (NYSE:OKE) are all enticing right now because their dividends yield close to 10%, but that has more to do with their falling share prices than their dividend policy. There's little harm in looking for high-yield dividend stocks, but you are better off finding stocks with good financials and sustainable yields on those dividends. There are certain sectors this year that have been particularly sluggish, including energy stocks and retail stocks, where you need to do more homework before chasing a high yield.

Source: Motley Fool

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