Dividends4Life: 3 MLPs to Buy That Are Churning Out High Yields

3 MLPs to Buy That Are Churning Out High Yields

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, October 23, 2019 | | 0 comments »

Over the last few years, most of the news about master limited partnerships (MLPs) hasn’t exactly been great. But despite the doom and gloom for the sector, there are still top-notch MLPs doing what they have always done. And that’s churn-out steady and high distributions for their unitholders. With more capital chasing fewer tickers, these top-notch MLPs have only gotten more desirable in recent quarters. For investors, there are still plenty of reasons to own the asset class. The trick now is finding which ones are worthy of your dollars. With that, here are three MLPs to buy today.

If there’s one firm that continues to get the MLP structure right, it has to be Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. (NYSE:MMP). MMP has a long history of doing right by its unitholders and the reason for that continues to be management’s conservative nature. When it comes to MLPs, the strength of the parent or sponsoring firm can make all the difference. It can also hurt as well. Both of those scenarios have applied to Plains All American Pipeline (NYSE:PAA). There are MLPs and then there MLPs. Energy Transfer (NYSE:ETE) certainly fits into the latter camp. Founders Kelcy Warren and Ray Davis built ET into one of the largest MLPS and midstream firms in the country with an asset base that can’t be beat. However, these days, investors aren’t exactly treating ET like the king it once was.

Source: InvestorPlace

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