Dividends4Life: The S&P 500’s 5 Best Highest-Yielding Dividend Stocks

There’s nothing more satisfying that getting money for doing nothing. That’s why dividend stocks hold so much appeal for portfolios. Many of the highest-yielding dividend stocks in the S&P 500 aren’t exactly risky names. We’re talking huge companies with plenty of cash flows and earnings to back-up those payouts. The truth is, there are plenty of big-time stocks that are producing some serious income for their shareholders. Here are five of the best high-yielding dividend stocks in the S&P 500...

With a nearly 9% yield, Macerich (NYSE:MAC) tops the list as one of the highest-yielding dividend stocks in the S&P 500. Iron Mountain (NYSE:IRM) is also a REIT, but IRM is a tad bit different. Philip Morris International (NYSE:PM). The giant pharmaceutical firms have long been great dividend stocks. This includes biotech king AbbVie (NASDAQ:ABBV). After a few years of simplification, the sector is now back to those roots. That includes top pipeline firm Williams (NYSE:WMB).

Source: InvestorPlace

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