Dividends4Life: This 7% Yield Is Just What the Doctor Ordered

Dividend Growth Stocks News

This 7% Yield Is Just What the Doctor Ordered

Posted by D4L | Sunday, May 26, 2019 | 0 comments »

If you want to earn more dividend income from the stock market, then you need to start investing in healthcare. Analysts project the number of Americans 65 and older will double by 2060. That means more prescriptions, more checkups, and more doctor appointments.

One of the big winners from this boom is Omega Healthcare Investors Inc (NYSE:OHI). Over the years, the partnership has built an empire of elder care facilities nationwide. And with the ranks of seniors growing by the day, these properties have become money machines. But can you trust any business that pays a seven-percent dividend? Savvy readers will ask this question before pulling the trigger on any high yield stock.

Source: Income Investors

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