Dividends4Life: 4 Dividend Stocks With Massive Yields to Protect You in a Volatile Market

Dividend-offering stocks could be safe bets for investors when returns from financial markets are in jeopardy. Most dividend-yielding companies are financially stable with strong balance sheets, and are thus capable of generating periodic dividend payouts to their shareholders. Such companies are strong enough to sustain through market turbulences, unfavorable geopolitical and economic instabilities by virtue of their diversified businesses, strong business models and global reach among other factors. We have hand-picked a few stocks to buy...

Black Stone Minerals (NYSE:BSM) is the owner of oil and natural gas mineral primarily in the United States. Consol Coal Resources LP (NYSE:CCR) manages and develops active thermal coal operations. Arbor Realty Trust (NYSE:ABR) is a specialized real estate finance company investing in real estate-related bridge and mezzanine loans, preferred equity, mortgage-related securities and other real estate-related assets. Armour Residential REIT (NYSE:ARR) invests primarily in residential mortgage-backed securities issued or guaranteed by a United States Government-chartered entity.

Source: InvestorPlace

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