Dividends4Life: This Top Dividend Stock Now Yields 15.3%

Dividend Growth Stocks News

This Top Dividend Stock Now Yields 15.3%

Posted by D4L | Monday, November 12, 2018 | | 0 comments »

The celebrated “five-tool” baseball players means exactly what it sounds like: a guy who excels in all five areas of the game. In essence, it means an athlete that can hit, has beefy power, speed around the bases, a cannon for an arm, and a good glove to boot. In the MLB today, I can list seven players that truly fit this bill, maybe eight. I look for the same “five tools” in dividend stocks. In other words, a company with a reliable dividend, entrenched market position, growth potential, reasonable valuation, and top management team. If you come across a business with all four or five of these traits, you know you have something special.

Case in point: Buckeye Partners, L.P. (NYSE:BPL). The business represents a rare example of a dividend stock with all five tools. And like drafting Mike Trout to your fantasy baseball team, these companies have the potential to deliver outsized returns over time. Buckeye is pretty straightforward to wrap your head around. The partnership owns thousands of miles of pipelines, in addition to dozens of terminals, storage plants, and processing facilities. These operations ship and store energy products, earning the partnership steady fee income.

Source: Income Investors

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