Dividends4Life: This Surprisingly Safe 12.1% Dividend Yield Worth a Serious Look

As we move past the halfway mark of 2018, stock market investors may feel a bit disappointed. Year-to-date, the S&P 500 index returned 2.2%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average actually slipped 1.3%. Still, there is an easier way to make money than waiting for the market to warm up: dividends. This Little-Known Stock Provides Generous Dividends...

With that in mind, today I’m going to show you one of the most generous dividend payers in the current stock market: Consolidated Communications Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:CNSL). Consolidated Communications is a broadband and business communications provider headquartered in Mattoon, Illinois. With 36,000 fiber network miles, it is one of the top 10 fiber providers in the United States. As of March 31, Consolidated Communications’ network consisted of 9,300 on-net buildings, 780,000 data and Internet connections, and 3,300 fiber connections for wireless providers. The company focuses on a fiber-centric strategy, serving three main types of customers: carriers, businesses, and consumers.

Source: Income Investors

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