Dividends4Life: 5 Safe Retirement Investments Yielding Up to 12.6%

Dividend Growth Stocks News

As regular readers know, I often tout dividend stocks as a retirement investment. If you can build a portfolio of names yielding four to six percent, you can nail down a tidy income. The trick? Conservative investors can do well by sticking to recession-proof businesses with entrenched market positions. So, to help get you started, I’ve picked out five of my favorite retirement investments. All of these stocks offer good payouts, safe income, and growing dividends. For retirees in search of yield, they represent a good place to begin.

ach day, 10,000 baby boomers in America turn 65. And as this group enters their “golden years,” they need more tests, more medicine, and more doctor’s visits. Senior housing landlords like Welltower Inc (NYSE:WELL) and HCP, Inc. (NYSE:HCP) have positioned themselves right in the middle of this boom. Things are pretty straightforward with Iron Mountain Inc (NYSE:IRM). The company is the world’s largest provider of records and data storage. Pipeline owners like TC PipeLines, LP (NYSE:TCP) constitute the ultimate cash cow businesses. Government Properties Income Trust (NASDAQ:GOV) is easy to wrap your head around.

Source: Income Investors

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