Dividends4Life: This 9% Yielder Raises Its Payout Every Quarter

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Regular readers of Income Investors would know that I like to look for high-yield opportunities in out-of-favor sectors. One of those sectors is midstream energy. You see, ever since oil prices crashed in the summer of 2014, there has been a huge sell-off in energy stocks. Even midstream operators that run fee-based businesses suffered huge losses in their share prices. As a result, they now offer some of the highest dividend yields in the stock market...

Over the last several months, one particular high-yield energy stock has caught my attention: Dominion Energy Midstream Partners LP (NYSE:DM). Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, Dominion Energy Midstream Partners LP is a master limited partnership (MLP). It was created by power and energy company Dominion Energy Inc (NYSE:D) to own, operate, and grow a portfolio of natural gas terminaling, processing, storage, and transportation assets. Dominion Energy Midstream Partners completed its initial public offering (IPO) in October 2014, which was not exactly the best time to enter the energy business. However, the partnership still managed to return a huge amount of cash to shareholders through its rising distribution stream.

Source: Income Investors

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