Dividends4Life: One Dividend Stock for the Next 100 Years

In the current stock market, trading is all the rage. With increased volatility over the last several months, investors who bought and sold at the right time have made some decent profits. The difficult part, of course, is knowing when that right time is. Besides, unless you are a professional trader, who has the time to monitor their positions every minute of the trading day? In other words, trading can be very profitable, but it also takes a lot of time and effort. Is there an easier way for investors to make money in the stock market? Of course there is: “buy and hold.”

Take PepsiCo, Inc., for instance. The company does not come from an exciting industry; it operates in the food and beverage business. But that has not stopped PEP stock investors from earning huge returns over the years. Just take a look at the chart below and you’ll see what I mean. Right now, PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP) stock is far from being a hot commodity. But it offers something that very few companies can provide in this day and age: peace of mind for investors.

Source: Income Investors

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