Dividends4Life: How to Get a Tax-Free, 9% Monthly Dividend Yield

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Who doesn’t like a deal, especially in these volatile stock market conditions that have been plaguing us for the past few months? And by a deal, I mean investments that are now trading at a discount to what they could be liquidated for by some 8% or more. And how about if this deal pays a monthly dividend that’s yielding more than 9%? And the extra kicker for this deal is that investors won’t owe a penny in Federal income taxes on that 9% and more yielding dividend payments. So, you’re asking what could I possible be writing about that could be this good?

Municipal bonds. There. I wrote it. Municipal bonds — the red-headed stepchild of the investment markets. This is the market that rarely gets a mention on the financial entertainment shows. But really, you need to take a peek at this market, because it really is a deal right now. Municipal bonds offer yields that are well above U.S. Treasuries and even more so when taking into consideration the tax savings on interest and dividend payments.

Source: InvestorPlace

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