Dividends4Life: This Large-Cap Stock Pays Investors a Generous Dividend Yield of 11.8%

Large-cap stocks have been the bread and butter of many income investors’ portfolios. The reason is simple: for companies to command huge market capitalizations, they often need entrenched positions in their operating markets. And having an established market position allows companies to pay a steady dividend, which is exactly what income investors are looking for.

Today, however, I’m going to show you a large-cap stock that pays investors a much higher yield than its peers: Energy Transfer Partners LP (NYSE:ETP). To the average consumer, Energy Transfer Partners may not sound like a familiar name. However, the partnership is deeply entrenched in its market. ETP owns and operates one of the largest and most diversified portfolios of energy assets in the U.S., which includes more than 71,000 miles of natural gas, natural gas liquids (NGLs), refined products, and crude oil pipelines, as well as over 210 billion cubic feet of working gas storage capacity.

Source: Income Investors

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