Dividends4Life: This 11.9% Yielding Dividend Stock Trades at a Significant Discount

Dividend Growth Stocks News

In today’s bloated market, value is hard to find. But if you are willing to take a look at the not-so-hot sectors of the stock market, you can still find solid companies trading at a significant discount. And their dividends could be pretty generous, too.

For instance, most people have never heard of THL Credit, Inc. (NASDAQ:TCRD), yet the company could offer a tremendous amount of value to dividend investors. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, THL Credit is a business development company (BDC) that provides debt and equity financing to lower-middle-market companies in the U.S. These companies usually have annual earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization of between $5.0 million and $25.0 million.

Source: Income Investors

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