Dividends4Life: A 9% Yield, With Qualified Dividends, Record Earnings, More Dividend Growth Ahead

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Looking for high-yield qualified dividends? This LP yields 8.72%, with strong 1.19x coverage. It just reported record earnings last week - revenue up 42%, EBITDA up 44%, cash flow up 26%. These distributions are qualified dividends - no K-1 at tax time. Management just closed a deal that will bump up earnings again in Q4 and in 2018. It also has long-term preferred units yielding 8.2%.

GLOP is a growth-oriented limited partnership focused on owning, operating, and acquiring liquefied natural gas carriers engaged in LNG transportation under long-term charters. GLOP's initial fleet of three LNG carriers was contributed to us by GasLog Ltd. (GLOG), which controls GLOP through its ownership of the general partner and limited partner units. GLOP now owns 12 LNG carriers that operate under multi-year charters with a wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc (NYSE:RDS.A). GLOP also has options and other rights under which it may acquire additional LNG carriers from GasLog Ltd.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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