Dividends4Life: 5 Dividend Stocks With Big Yields That Will Ruin Your Retirement

Today, I’m going to warn you about five stocks with yields of 7% or more that should be avoided at all costs. They are my next “dividend disaster” candidates that are likely to either reduce their payouts, or lose 20% or more in price, or both. Big current yields have nothing to do with safety. Dividend Stocks With Big Yields That Will Ruin Your Retirement...

How bad can Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) get? Well, back in August, Macy’s posted a 5.4% year-over-year decline in revenues and a 2.5% drop in comparable-store sales. And both figures were better than Wall Street’s even more pessimistic expectations. I think Barnes & Noble, Inc.’s (NYSE:BKS) payout is one of several that are destined to go the way of the dodo sooner than later. Global Medical REIT Inc (NYSE:GMRE) isn’t the best-known stock on this list, but it’s perhaps the most frustrating one. Uniti Group Inc (NASDAQ:UNIT) – a REIT that was spun off from troubled telecom provider Windstream (WIN) – is buzzworthy right now, but for all the wrong reasons. On very rare occasions, investors can actually consider buying into a company that has recently pulled the trigger on a dividend cut. Once in a while, these last-ditch grabs for cash end up preserving the business. I don’t believe Frontier Communications Corp (NASDAQ:FTR) is one of those occasions.

Source: InvestorPlace

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