Dividends4Life: 1 High-Yield Stock for the Next 10 Years

Dividend Growth Stocks News

1 High-Yield Stock for the Next 10 Years

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, October 24, 2017 | | 0 comments »

Today’s chart highlights my favorite place to hunt for high-yield stocks: healthcare. Regular readers know an aging America represents one of my favorite investment themes. As baby boomers get older, they’ll spend more money on treatment, medical products, and other health services. High-Yield Stock Now Pays Out 8.1%...

One company set to profit is Omega Healthcare Investors (NYSE:OHI). This firm has built a portfolio of nursing homes and other medical properties across the country which have paid out steady distributions to unitholders. And with the ranks of seniors projected to grow in the coming years, this little-known dividend payer could turn into a cash machine. Running a healthcare business has become a license to print money, for starters. The number of U.S. residents age 65 and over hit 49.2 million in 2016, according to the Census Bureau. By 2030, the agency projects that figure to nearly double.

Source: Income Investors

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