Dividends4Life: Earn a 6.43% Yield from This High Dividend Stock

Dividend Growth Stocks News

In today’s market, building an income portfolio is not easy. The most well-known dividend giants are yielding pretty low, while the ultra-high yielders look a bit risky. Is there a way that investors can safety boost the return of their income portfolios? Well, in this article, we are going to take a look at a solid high-dividend stock that’s currently yielding 6.43%.

The stock in question is Spectra Energy Partners, LP (NYSE:SEP), a master limited partnership (MLP) headquartered in Houston, Texas. It owns and operates pipelines and storage facilities for natural gas and crude oil. What makes Spectra Energy Partners stand out is its distributions. The partnership currently pays $0.70125 per share on a quarterly basis. At today’s price, that translates to an annual dividend yield of 6.43%. To give you some perspective, the average dividend yield of all S&P 500 companies right now is approximately 1.9%. So with this high-dividend stock, investors are getting more than three times the average yield of the S&P 500.

Source: Income Investors

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