Dividends4Life: High-Dividend Stock Yields 8%, 7 Straight Dividend Hikes, More Due In 2017, Big Tailwinds

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Looking for a strong niche player with a high dividend yield? This stock yields 7.97%, with trailing 1.27x dividend coverage. Management has raised the payouts every quarter since its IPO - seven straight times. Management has increased 2017 guidance for distributions again. There are major tailwinds for this industry leader due to supply gaps and growing demand.

Enviva Partners LP (NYSE:EVA) is the world's leading producer of wood pellets, a biomass item which is much sought after by foreign utilities due to increasingly demanding carbon emission laws passed in the UK, Europe, and Asia. It operates on long-term contracts, which currently have a remaining tenor of 9.8 years, with a backlog of $5.6B.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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