Dividends4Life: Triple-Digit Gains from This ‘Forever Asset’

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Today we’re highlighting some of our favorite dividend stocks around, forever assets. We’ve looked at this strategy a lot over the years here at Income Investors. We’ve shown you how firms that sell the basics, like timber, chocolate, and trash bags, can be great investments. My approach is to buy them, stick the certificates in a drawer, and collect the dividends for decades. Take, for instance...

Campbell Soup Company (NYSE:CPB). In addition to its namesake soups, this consumer product giant owns dozens of popular brand names. And while it won’t make you the talk of your next cocktail party, there’s still plenty about this business to love. First, it’s timeless. People need to eat no matter how the economy is doing. Shoppers buy food regardless of whether interest rates rise or who is in office. This quality has allowed Campbell to generate wealth over decades. It has survived the Great Depression, two World Wars, and countless stock market crashes. As an investor, that kind of dependability makes it easy to sleep at night.

Source: Income Investor

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