Dividends4Life: These Stocks Have Paid Dividends for Over 100 Years in a Row -- Are Any Worth Buying?

As of early 2017, there are 2,408 stocks listed on the Nasdaq or New York Stock Exchange that pay dividend yields of 1% or higher. Many of these have only paid dividends for a short time, and others have had a sporadic history, cutting their dividends when times get tough. So a 100-consecutive-year history of paying dividends is quite an accomplishment -- achieved by an exclusive list of companies. Here are the longest-running U.S. dividend stocks, and how you should use this information.

Is a 100-plus-year history of paying dividends impressive? Absolutely. However, this fact alone doesn't necessarily make these stocks good investments. Other factors to consider are each company's history of dividend growth, whether the business itself has growth potential in the future, and the current valuation of each stock. Having said that, there are a couple on the list that I'd consider good long-term investments right now: Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG) and ExxonMobil (NYSE:XOM).

Source: Motley Fool

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