Dividends4Life: The Top 3 Places to Find High Yields

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The Top 3 Places to Find High Yields

Posted by D4L | Friday, February 10, 2017 | | 0 comments »

A trifecta of economic occurrences began to improve the income investing landscape for everyone. The first reason is that the FOMC has started to raise interest rates. The December 2015 decision was the first time in a decade that this rate had been changed. Second, the election of Donald Trump resulted in a sharp increase in bond yields. Finally, the 2016 global sell-off of rate-sensitive equities has forced higher yields and more-reasonable prices in many sectors.

Electric utilities, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and master limited partnerships (MLPs) have all suffered recently, creating a better environment for investors seeking income-producing assets. Within this environment, I’ve identified asset categories that will outperform the greater market: European Dividend Stocks, Electric Utilities and Master Limited Partnerships.

Source: InvestorPlace

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