Dividends4Life: A Top Dividend Stock Yielding 6.9% from the Financial Sector

Dividend Growth Stocks News

If your thinking of looking for a top dividend stock, you may be wondering where to start, and you could be overwhelmed before you even begin. The primary criteria should be that the company pays a dividend yield that is worth your investment. Next is the dividend’s history, followed by the company’s success at running its business in a way that maintains and hopefully grows the dividend over time.

I have done my own research and found a company fits this criteria: Fortress Investment Group LLC (NYSE:FIG) stock. A company that manages money on behalf of over 1,600 institutional investors and private clients globally and with approximately $70.0 billion in assets under management, Fortress is a top dividend stock. Let me explain why. First off, FIG stock does pay a dividend, meaning it would be classified as a high-dividend stock. The current yield is 6.98%, based on the trading price of $5.16. FIG stock pays a dividend every quarter and has seen a 50% increase over the past years.

Source: Income Investors

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