Dividends4Life: Unique Small-Cap, High-Dividend Stock Yields 8%, Pays Monthly

Looking for secure monthly dividend income with no currency exchange risk? This stock yields 7.8%, with steady payouts and good coverage, supported by long-term contracts. It pays its dividends in US dollars, with no currency risk. It's the only publicly-traded company in its industry that pays dividends. It refinanced its debt at lower rates, which will save it substantial amounts of interest annually.

Maybe you should climb aboard Student Transportation, Inc. (NASDAQ:STB), which is the only publicly-traded school bus company that pays dividends. Founded in 1997, Student Transportation is North America's largest independent provider of student transportation solutions, operating more than 13,000 vehicles. STB focuses on rural and suburban areas, and has over 300 contracts that average 3-8 years, renewable. STB's contract renewal rate is over 95% over an 18-year period, so the service is obviously highly valued by its school systems customers. The company operates in many US states, and in certain Canadian provinces, with 90% of revenues in the US and 10% in Canada.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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