Dividends4Life: 7 Dividend Stocks Yielding More Than 3% Selling at a Discount Right Now

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Experts on retirement living talk about the 4% rule, which means, either earn 4% a year to avoid eating into savings or don't spend more than 4% when interest and savings combined are calculated. Either way, that is a tall order, considering the level of interest rates. Think about how one's lifestyle would be improved with a 6% yield on the dividend portfolio. However, reaching for yield is risky, so consider this, instead: A dividend-paying stock with a yield of 3% that is growing 15% annually will double an investor's monthly income in 4.8 years.

High-quality dividend stocks that offer investors this combination of yield and growth tend to enjoy a decent amount of appreciation to their stock prices. And their dividend safety scores show a surprisingly low level of risk. Each of the seven stocks below yields at least 3% and has increased its dividend by at least 15% a year over the past five years:

Source: The Street

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