Dividends4Life: 3 Relatively Safe Dividend Stocks Yielding at Least 11% to Consider Buying

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Generally speaking, low yields are often sustainable but may be undesirable for investors looking to pad their portfolio with dividend income or reinvestment opportunities. On the other end of the spectrum, high yields (let's say 5% and higher) are extremely attractive for income-seeking investors, but they're also often far more dangerous than lower yields due to a possible lack of sustainability. Remember that dividend yields are a function of payout divided by share price, and if a stock's share price has been tumbling, its yield will rise. Thus, dividend investors have to be diligent to ensure that a yield isn't inflated solely because a company's business model is in trouble.

Here's the good news: Not all high-yield stocks need caution tape wrapped around them. After perusing just over 100 of the highest-yielding stocks, I've come to the conclusion that the following three, which just happen to be yielding in excess of 11%, are relatively safe bets that income investors may want to consider for their portfolios. And at over 11%, you could double your money, with reinvestment, in less than seven years! Three dividend stocks yielding at least 11% you should consider buying: Annaly Capital Management (NYSE:NLY), StoneMor Partners (NYSE:STON) and NGL Energy Partners (NYSE:NGL).

Source: Motley Fool

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