Dividends4Life: 9 Low-Risk, High-Yield Dividend Stocks to Buy

With the meat of earnings season behind us and the summer lull straight ahead, many investors are wondering what’s next in 2016. But given all the uncertainty out there, including the risk of a “Brexit” from the European Union and weak jobs numbers for April, it seems unlikely that the way forward will be very rosy. Heck, Fed chairwoman Janet Yellen went on record earlier this year to say she won’t rule out negative interest rates as a way to stimulate the economy!

In an environment such as this, investors need to think about defensive plays with the ability to hang tough in any market. And for most portfolios, that means a focus on low-risk dividend stocks that will drive returns of 4%, 5% or more simply through the power of their monthly distributions. But for those who just want to preserve their capital and squeeze out a modest return in a down market, here are nine low-risk, high-yield dividend stocks to consider: Verizon (VZ), Sanofi (SNY), HSBC (HSBC), British American Tobacco (BTI), Chevron (CVX), Ventas (VTR), International Paper (IP), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and AT&T (T).

Source: InvestorPlace

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  1. desidividend // June 9, 2016 at 6:55 AM

    Want to add T and VZ,but after seeing the prices i paid earlier ,its making me think twice to add at these prices.

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