Dividends4Life: 3 Monthly Dividend Stocks to Buy

Dividend Growth Stocks News

3 Monthly Dividend Stocks to Buy

Posted by D4L | Thursday, June 02, 2016 | | 0 comments »

Whether you’re relying on your portfolio for income or reinvesting your payouts, buying monthly dividend stocks makes a lot of sense. After all, your bills roll in every 30 days or so, so why not your dividend income, too? And while a well-built portfolio will drop dividends into your account at all times of the year, you’re still left with an income stream that’s “lumpy”—soaring one month and dipping the next. But throw in a handful of monthly payers, and you’ll bring some order to the cash-flow chaos.

There’s an Eaton Vance fund that’s worth keeping an eye on and is still (barely) trading at a discount to NAV: the similarly named Eaton Vance Tax-Advantaged Dividend Income Fund (EVT). The Calamos Strategic Total Return Fund (CSQ) invests in common stocks, corporate bonds and convertible bonds and does so in a balanced way, with no sector of its stock portfolio representing more than 18% of the total. BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ): If you’re looking for a way to China-proof your portfolio, this fund is it. It holds 94.3% of its assets in the U.S. Total China exposure? 0.4%.

Source: InvestorPlace

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