Dividends4Life: Introducing The 6% Dividend Growth Portfolio

Introducing The 6% Dividend Growth Portfolio

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, March 22, 2016 | | 0 comments »

As a 55 year old guy who is getting closer and closer to retirement, I am now constantly thinking about generating an income stream from my investments once I stop working. Although unrealized gain from increased stock prices are nice, for some reason nothing gets me to smile as much as seeing dividends get deposited into my Merrill Edge account most days of the week.

Recently I set out to see if I could build a stock portfolio of around 30 stocks that AVERAGED more then a 6% yield at today's prices, without taking on above average risk. I would expect that many of the stocks would increase their dividends as we go, but would not be afraid to invest in fixed dividends stocks (i.e. preferreds) if the risk reward was right.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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