Dividends4Life: Safe Stocks Yielding 5% (or More) Do Exist -- Here Are 5 of Them

With interest rates still hovering near multi-decade lows, many investors who need to generate income from their investments have been forced to put money to work in the stock market. However, with the S&P 500 currently offering up a paltry dividend yield of roughly 2%, investors looking for a higher cash return have been often been forced to invest in riskier stocks. In an effort to help those investors out, we reached out to our team of Motley Fool contributors and asked them to share a safe stock that also offers investors a high dividend yield. Read on to see if their stock suggestions can help.

Spectra Energy (SE) is one of the largest natural gas pipeline operators in North America, so unlike many other energy companies, Spectra makes its money by moving natural gas from one place to another, not from the price of the commodity itself. Iron Mountain (NYSE:IRM) specializes in facilities to securely store documents and records, which it does for more than 150,000 businesses. Storage facilities are a unique type of property -- they have relatively low maintenance and turnover costs, and the tenant retention rate is high. Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners (NYSE:BEP) distribution profile is among the best I've seen among dividend stocks. The oil and gas industry is probably the last place one would expect to find a "safe" dividend stock, but midstream behemoth Kinder Morgan Inc. (NYSE:KMI) meets that description. The words "high yield" and "safe" rarely appear in the same sentence, but I tend to think Golub Capital BDC's (NASDAQ:GBDC) 7.5% dividend yield is one of the best in its industry.

Source: Motley Fool

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