Dividends4Life: High-Dividend Stock Yields Over 10%, Has 5 Straight Dividend Hikes And 21% EPS Growth

Looking to build a dependable dividend portfolio? Then you may want to consider Ciner Resources LP, (NYSE:CINR), a high-dividend stock which we've owned for quite some time. CINR operates the trona ore mining and soda ash production business of Ciner Wyoming LLC, (formerly OCI Wyoming LLC), one of the largest and lowest cost producers of natural soda ash in the world, serving a global market from its facility in the Green River Basin of Wyoming. The facility has been in operation for over 50 years.

CINR was originally named OCI Resources LP, with a ticker of OCIR, but then it was sold to Park Holding A.S., a subsidiary of Ciner Group of Istanbul, Turkey, in October 2015. CINR has had strong DCF/Distribution coverage over the past four quarters and its coverage ratio bounced back to over 1.20x again in Q3 2015 after dipping a bit in Q2 due to a stronger U.S. dollar negatively impacting its margins in Europe by just over $1 million in the quarter compared to Q2 2014.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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