Dividends4Life: Nobility, Aristocrats And Their Dividends: Which ETF?

Dividend Growth Stocks News

"Endurance is nobler than strength..." --John Ruskin The ProShares S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats ETF (NYSEARCA:NOBL) has its second birthday this week, so I thought I'd use the occasion as an opportunity to look closely at it in relation to other large-cap dividend ETFs. Each has its own distinctive approach to large-cap, dividend investing and, as we'll see, those distinctions had quite an impact over the past couple of years.

Having said that, I'll add that NOBL was my own choice for my large-cap ETF. Oddly enough, I chose it precisely for the reasons I don't consider it a suitable core holding. My own portfolio is heavy in technology, biotechnology and energy (alas); it's light in consumer defensive and basic materials. NOBL serves to fill those gaps for me with quality positions, in ways none of the others would have done. So while I'll continue to hold my position in NOBL, I tend to consider these past two years a bit of an anomaly, and I'm certainly not anticipating the outperformance the fund has demonstrated so far.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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