Dividends4Life: My K.I.S.S. Dividend Portfolio: 2nd Quarter 2015 Update

Dividend Growth Stocks News

This past quarter is a perfect example of why I have chosen to be, and am very happy to be, a Dividend Growth Investor (NYSE:DGI). As I will discuss later in the article, on a capital gains basis, compared to the market as a whole, I've had a pretty poor quarter. I've lagged the S&P 500 by about 3%. That's quite a lot for only 3 months. After suffering through such a time some might be tempted to change their portfolio and/or their investing plan. But since I am a DGIer I am concerned about the dividends, not the capital gains. I focus on my dividends going up, not my portfolio value. And my dividends continue to go up.

It's been a tough quarter, especially in comparison to my benchmarks. However it continues to perform well on a dividends produced basis, and on a dividend growth basis. At this time last year my portfolio was expected to produce $32,171.70 in dividends over the next 12 months. But going forward my portfolio is now expected to produce $36,998.49 in dividends, an increase of 4.25% over the past quarter, from the $35,490.67 reported in my last update, and an increase of 16.79% from this time last year. It should be mentioned that this is due to a combination of both organic dividend growth of my individual holdings, and the dividends produced from new money added to the portfolio over the past year. As the graph above shows my dividend growth is progressing quite nicely.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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