Dividends4Life: The Best Dividend Stocks Are Always the Answer

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The Best Dividend Stocks Are Always the Answer

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, June 10, 2015 | | 0 comments »

Well it turns out that the analysts covering companies on Wall Street and economists were all entirely too optimistic about the first quarter. The major markets were up yesterday, but it has certainly been a bumpy ride for investors this quarter; earnings misses and disappointing economic data have really increased the market’s volatility. Now, this shouldn’t have come as a surprise to you. I warned my readers several times and even discussed my first quarter slow-down forecast in depth back in March when I appeared on Fox Business’s show,

The best strategy for investing in this market is to target and own dividend-paying companies. As I’ve said many times before, during volatile times, dividend stocks are an oasis. The foundation of this market is getting better and better because of dividends and buybacks, and they’re here to stay. And adding dividend stocks to your portfolio is an excellent strategy right now. As the market gets bumpy now and in the summer months, buying pressure will remain strong for solid dividend stocks. So, if you’re in the market for high-yielding dividend stocks,

Source: investorPlace

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