Dividends4Life: 7 Super Monthly Pay Dividend Stocks State 29%-128% Mid-March Upsides

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Forty-seven small, mid, and large cap monthly dividend paying stocks were culled from hundreds of equities of all sizes for this article. Funds, ETFs and ETNs were excluded here but Real Estate Investment Trusts, Royalty Trusts, and Business Development Companies populated the list along with common stocks.

Ten monthly pay SML Cap dividend equities showing top yields included four basic materials and six financial firms representing just two of a possible nine Yahoo market sectors. Top two dogs comprised half of the basic materials firms, Atlas Resource Partners L.P. (NYSE:ARP) [1], and Breitburn Energy Partners LP (NASDAQ:BBEP) [2] led the basic materials dogs. The remaining two basic materials firms placed fourth & eighth: LinnCo LLC (NASDAQ:LNCO) [4], and Linn Energy LLC. (NASDAQ:LINE) [8].

Source: Seeking Alpha

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