Dividends4Life: 3 Reasons to Buy CVX Stock on Oil Price Collapse

Dividend Growth Stocks News

3 Reasons to Buy CVX Stock on Oil Price Collapse

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, January 28, 2015 | | 0 comments »

Plummeting oil prices have hammered energy stocks hard in recent weeks and many investors are scrambling for safer ground. At times like these, however, the old adage of “buy fear and sell greed” makes sense — particularly for value stocks like Chevron (CVX) that have fallen hard. With Brent crude falling into the $50 per barrel range, there’s more than enough fear and loathing going around in the energy sector right now — and that’s one reason why CVX is an intriguing oversold energy stock pick.

Oil price volatility often has been the bane of investors’ (and transportation companies’) existence in the post-OPEC age — and the potential for economic disruption has been the rule in recent years rather than the exception. But here are three reasons why CVX stock is still worth a look: 1. Oil Prices Have Fallen Off a Cliff Before — And Bounced Back, 2. Despite Recent Downgrades, Chevron Still Has Value and 3. CVX Management, Focus Looks Solid.

Source: InvestorPlace

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