Dividends4Life: Top 5 Foundation Dividend Stocks For A Portfolio

Top 5 Foundation Dividend Stocks For A Portfolio

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, December 03, 2014 | | 0 comments »

I'd love to share my point of view on the top 5 foundation dividend stocks that I think every beginning investor should have. Also, this could work for any investor really, especially one that is also transitioning from more of the "sexy" type of investing into something that we dividend investors feel - just makes more sense. We wanted to make sure we were all in different areas/industries. This helps diversify and spread the risk - if one industry is poorly performing, the other may not be. Further - it's always nice owning more - to spread more eggs in one basket, because even if you owned stocks within the same industry - there may be better players than others.

As a rule though - completely different industries would be your best first bet. As very unintelligent as this sounds - we wanted to pick companies that we have all heard of, that we see ourselves, family members and friends all use and enjoy. This makes it easier, as the company tends to never go out of style or, for a fun little pun, goes out of stock, hehe, we crack ourselves up let me tell ya (joking!). Without further-a-do, the top 5 foundation dividend stocks we are selecting are: McDonald's (NYSE:MCD), Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG), Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ), Consolidated Edison (NYSE:ED) and AT&T (NYSE:T).

Source: Seeking Alpaha

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