Dividends4Life: The Fed Can’t Mess With These 3 High-Yield Investments

High-yield investments have been in fashion over the last few years mostly because the income potential elsewhere has just been miserable. But while interest-bearing assets like government and corporate bonds aren’t exactly high-yield investments, it’s worth noting that the returns have been pretty handsome in 2014 nonetheless.

Besides, most folks seeking high-yield investments aren’t interested in bonds or dividend stocks simply for an increase in their initial investment value. Dividend stocks, high-yield bonds and other similar high-yield investments are often considered because of their income potential across many years — not swing-trade potential. So if you’re worried about income and looking for high-yield investments that the Federal Reserve won’t mess with as it tightens policy in 2015, here are five picks to consider: ETRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index ETN (MLPI), HCP (HCP), Ventas (VTR), Market Vectors Preferred Securities ex-Financials (PFXF) and iShares U.S. Preferred Stock ETF (PFF).

Source: InvestorPlace

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