Dividends4Life: Dividend Stocks Delivering The Secret To Successful Investing

Many people spend their investing lives jumping from one investing strategy to another. It seems they are always looking for that hot combination that will produce instant wealth. Think about it, most things that are instant, such as potatoes and coffee, aren't really that good. Quick and easy, yes; but not really good. There are a number of ways to invest successfully. I have friends who are very successful value investors. Most of their returns are earned through capital appreciation. They spend a great deal of time looking pouring through 10-Ks and 10-Qs of companies off the beaten path. The potential returns are high, but so is the effort put in their craft.

At the other extreme there are successful traders. They look at their charts to determine entry and exit points for the day's transactions. Little-to-no time is spent analyzing the underlying fundamentals of the company since it likely will only be held for a very short period of time. I would put investors in dividend growth stocks somewhere between these two, but much closer to the pure value investor. Like the value investors, our time-frame is long-term. Although we carefully research potential companies, our emphasis leans more toward fundamental metrics needed to sustain annual dividend growth, with less emphasis on current value. There are successful investors in each of the above groups and they share a common trait. This trait is found in most all successful people - it is their secret to success. Fortunately, this trait can be learned and mastered. The secret to successful investing is...

Source: Dividend Growth Stocks

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