Dividends4Life: Teacher Is Moving His Money Into Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Kevin Kerr is the head of the business department at a high school. One of his courses deals with finances and investing. Many students “want fast 20-per-cent returns” so the challenge is to get them thinking more about the long term. Last summer, Mr. Kerr took a group of students to Africa. The trip left him with a greater realization that stressing over the ups and downs of a portfolio is “really a first-world problem.”

“My previous approach was to buy whatever mutual fund my financial adviser suggested,” says Mr. Kerr. “Now, I’m taking more ownership and moving my money to dividend-paying stocks that have an easy-to-understand business model.” Investing in stocks with good dividends gives him a comfortable cushion against market dips. “My goal is to have $500 extra per month from passive investments by the time I’m 40, while not having to lose sleep over the market struggling.”

Source: Globe and Mail

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