Dividends4Life: My Favorites From The Best Dividend Paying Stock List

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The best dividend paying stock list is a small compilation with seven tough investing criteria, summarized below. The list includes each month around 20 to 30 results. It’s a quick dividend list (from low-yield to high-yield paying stocks) of stocks with interesting performance and valuation figures. Stocks from that list are mid- and large caps (market capitalization of more than USD1 billion) with double-digit long-term earnings growth rates. The companies are traded at AMEX, NYSE, NASDAQ and part of the Dow Jones, S&P 500 or Nasdaq Composite.

29 companies are part of the best dividend paying stock list for September 2013. The top pick is now Southern, a commodity based stock with a double-digit dividend yield. 15 stocks have a dividend yield over 4 percent, a good value in a low interest environment. Here are my most promising stocks from the list: China Mobile (CHL), Sturm, Ruger & Co. (RGR) and Southern Copper (SCCO).

Source: Guru Focus

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